
while backing out of a parking space at a restaurant

The other evening, while backing out of a parking space at a restaurant, I had a gentleman pull up beside me and tell me he needed some money for food for his two daughters, who were 7 and 15 years old. me being a little skeptical at first, I told him…… I will head to Walmart, and you can pick up a few things for you and your daughters if you want to meet me there in 20 minutes. to my astonishment, he showed up a few minutes after I pulled into the parking lot.

On the way into the store, he told me I was the sixth person he asked for help today, and everyone else shunned him away.

As he was shopping, I caught him counting the groceries in the basket, and I asked, “Is everything okay?” He said he wanted to make sure they had enough food to last them throughout the week.

I told him, “Get as much food as you want. I’ve been there before so I completely understand.”

He looked up from the basket and confessed to me that his wife left him after 19 years with no explanation and hasn’t contacted their daughters since she left, which was 4 months ago. He broke down in tears and said, “she was my everything, do you care if I give you a hug?” And I said, “of course”.

As I stood there hugging this gentleman I’d never met before in my entire life in the middle of Walmart, I suddenly realized that there are still good men out there in this world, and this man is a prime example of just that.

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