
I feel like the a** hole and a little petty but am I really?

I have a corner house in a subdivision. I’ve lived here for 12 years. The property was surveyed when I bought it. I have always been aware of my property lines. About 5 years ago, I decided to put up a fence.

When the holes were originally dug for the fence posts, my neighbor complained that I was encroaching on her property. I was a little perplexed because I knew i wasn’t. But, I was trying to build the fence and appease her so I covered the holes and went to the city and got the plots that show our property boundaries. The holes were dug again well inside my property. She was told the plots were used.

My neighbor still made comments about me being on her property. At this point, I was over it because I knew not only was I not on her property, I built the fence and excluded a very small area of my yard to suit her. Fast forward several years later. We are rebuilding the fence because the picket fence didn’t hold up well. My neighbor comes outside to my fiance and ask him to stop working on the fence as she believes the fence is in her yard and she’s having her property surveyed. She said she thought since we were rebuilding, now would be the perfect time to fix this once and for all.

The survey shows not only am I on my property, but I have excluded more of my yard than I thought from the fenced in area. My fiance continues rebuilding the fence which now includes moving the posts to utilize the entire yard up to 2 inches of the property line. My fiance says he would have gladly moved if it were on her property. If she would not have done the survey and clearly outlined the boundaries, we would have rebuild on the existing posts. Am I a petty Betty a**hole for moving the post as a result of her survey or did she bring this about by trying to be queen on the hill and claim too much land?

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