Went to our new ALDI yesterday and was waiting in the checkout while my feral 8 yr old twins were acting like they have never been to a grocery store in their life!! Completely disastrous… the sweet older gentleman in line in front of me asked if they were my children and I hesitated to admit it but he told me I was doing a great job with them
I noticed he had lots of banana pepper jars and jalapeños and some syrup and sugar in his cart and that was about it.. I asked him what he was making with all that.. he told me he lost his wife last year and has taken up making salsa. Said he makes about 1k jars a summer and was stocking up on supplies since ALDI had the best prices.. he checks the shopper regularly.. he said the neighbors from all around bring him tomatoes as he can’t keep up a garden anymore.. said he also told me he “ dabbles” in jams!! I told him he should get a stand at the farmers market. He told me he does it just for the joy of it.. keeps him busy and enjoys it. ** doesn’t sell it**
I thought about the roses and flowers everyone has been giving out but I could hardly wrangle my children out of the store..
I walked out to my car and he was parked next close by and called me over. I thought he needed a hand with his groceries but nope! He said I have something for you.. and guess what it was a jar of home made salsa!! I can’t tell you the last time I was gifted something so special! He also told me where I could find him and get more this summer and to bring the kids
I thanked him and shook his hand.. This encounter meant so much to me.. I just lost my beloved grandfather in Feb..
I was fighting back tears when I left and as he pulled out of the car park I saw a Korean Vet Sticker on his car.. A true hero