
Georgia Walmart employee’s act of kindness goes viral

Brittany McKee a registered nurse was shopping with her husband at a Georgia Walmart when she observed a woman become suddenly ill, and dropped to the floor. So she ran over to help her.

A Walmart employee, identified only as Jason, spotted the woman and quickly realized she was in a bad way. So he ran over to her. Then, he sat down next to her and offered himself for her to lean on. Someone on the staff called an ambulance and someone passing by said a prayer for the woman,

who was soon taken to the hospital.

Says Brittany on a post to Facebook: “What I experienced today was love, kindness and serving. We are human beings, each and every one of us, regardless of how much pigmentation our skin has or doesn’t have.”

And that statement alone should give EVERYONE something to think about.

Photo courtesy: Brittany McKee

Brittany, a registered nurse, rushed to help the woman, who soon “regained orientation.”

Brittany said the “Walmart staff was amazing,” but there was one employee who went above and beyond to help.

Brittany identified him as Jason, who is shown, wearing a Walmart vest, sitting on the floor next to the elderly woman.

“This man, no questions asked got down on the floor with this woman and supported her back so she could lean against him. He literally got down on the floor to serve her, not because he was asked to do it, he wasn’t, but because he wanted to,” the post said.

Paramedics were called to the scene, and, Brittany said: “while we waited, another man stopped, knelt down and prayed over this woman.”

She posted a picture of the inspiring act on Facebook, which has garnered more than 83,000 shares.

“The media lately shows our country divided, filled with hate and racial tension, but this right here was one human being loving and serving another without condition of race or obligation,” Brittany said.

She continued, “What I experienced today was love, kindness, and serving. We are human beings, each and every one of us regardless of how much pigmentation our skin has or doesn’t have. I couldn’t help but share because the media doesn’t seem to report this… the unity and the positive that occurs. This right here is real life, this is what it’s all about, not hate.”

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